
We can all agree that Annette Bening is one of the classiest and most talented actresses working today. Well, everybody but the Academy Awards apparently. Over the course of her 30 plus years dominating the screen with her dynamic presence, the Academy has passed over Bening 4 times, twice for the new Karate Kid. It’s […]

Hollywood is always looking for that next big idea or franchise. The practice of borrowing stories from other media is so ingrained in the history of filmmaking, that there’s even an Adapted Screenplay Oscar given out every year. Even though writers and producers try to adapt anything they can get their hands on, stories still […]

Our journey through the history of SFX makeup concludes in this third and final installment, but not before telling the tale of one of the most impactful and influential artist to wield a makeup brush. From his early days working for WNBC TV in NY to his peak cinematic work in films like The Exorcist, […]

Welcome to another edition of Switch the Envelope presents History of Fiction. On this installment, Jeff and Cory explore the real history behind the legend of Robin Hood as depicted in the Kevin Costner film Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. Turns out the Robin Hood story that we all know and love is wrought with […]

Not every character in a horror film makes it out alive. If they did, the film probably wouldn’t be a very good horror film. Nevertheless, as an audience we’re always rooting for the survivors. Those few that make it to Saturday the 14th. The small group that wake from their nightmares on Elm St.. They […]

Jeff and Cory venture out of the shadows of black and white film into the merry ole land of color, where makeup practices open the door to the future. The new invention of foam rubber becomes a real game changer for those willing to adapt to new techniques, while those who carved paths with the […]

Makeup has played an important role in moviemaking since the earliest days of the film industry. It can transform actors into wild characters or grotesque monsters. On this episode, Jeff and Cory explore those early days of film where a world on screen without color, meant actors on set done up in makeup that looked […]

On this episode Jeff and Cory get to the bottom of the question: Did M. Night Shyamalan write She’s All That? The answer to the question is one that has lurked on forgotten webpages and cryptic comment sections for nearly a decade. One brave twitter user dared to uncover the controversy, and so our fearless […]

In 1999, many moviegoers were wowed by the time-stopping fx shots in the Matrix. The success of the film’s stunning visual shots branded the technique with the moniker Bullet Time. The origins of this Cinnovation, however, take its roots from some unlikely sources that predate motion pictures. Join Jeff and Cory as they uncover the […]

On this episode our hosts find out just how intimately they know each other (cinematically speaking) with a movie themed revamp of the Newlywed Game. Jeff and Cory go back and forth answering the important question for each other, like “which Star Wars film should you show first to someone who’s never seen a Star […]

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