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It’s the Riff Laff Network podcast cross over event of the….quarantine. Switch the Envelope host, Jeff, takes over the Sex with Candy podcast and has a chat with Nikki O., and her new co-host Lexi, to compare their lists of the best movies to watch during the nation’s stay at home order. Stay safe, wash […]

The Best & worst Movies of the Decade  Part 2:2016-2019 Jeff and Cory are back just before the end of the 2010’s to offer a twist on their best movies list. As we look forward toward the new roaring 20s, our host paused to consider all that came to cinemas in the terrific 10s. They […]

The Best & worst Movies of the Decade  Part 1:2010-2015 Jeff and Cory are back just before the end of the 2010’s to offer a twist on their best movies list. As we look forward toward the new roaring 20s, our host paused to consider all that came to cinemas in the terrific 10s. They […]

On this week’s mini-episode, Cory interviews Jeff about his first trip to LA COMIC CON. They discuss all things horror, Kevin Smith and Zombieland Double Tap. Stay Gold, Switches!

Plastic Surgery has become more prevalent, creating a greater divide between natural beauty and the fictionalized Hollywood beauty people strive to achieve. We discuss this topic and more on Sex with Candy.

2013 Best Picture Part 2 Al and our hosts return this week to reveal which movie from 2012 deserved to have its name scrawled on the 2013 Best Picture envelope. After Cory eats crow about last weeks cummerbund mishap, and a few of Al’s Useless Hollywood Facts, we dive deep into our limited field of […]

With guest Jeff Lee (Switch the Envelope Podcast) As women, do we create unrealistic images of romance in our minds? Who is to blame for this wretched debacle of unending baffoonery? As we sit clutching to shows like Friends, maybe the blame rests with the creators of shows we love, but ultimately leave us feeling […]

Hey Switches! Here’s a bonus Lil’ Switchy where hosts Jeff and Cory each give you a few 30 second reviews of some of the latest movies on your favorite streaming services.

2013 BEST PICTURE PART 1 This week Jeff sent Al on a vacation, and with out his useless facts to get Cory to guess the year, our hosts try out a new segment and attempt to stump each other with 2012 movie trivia. Cory takes us Behind the Oscars and discover taht first time/last time […]

Part 2 #10-#1 On this episode we finish our countdown of the top 20 best Teen Movies. Find out which films take top honors and find out which films just missed the cut. Did your favorite teen movie make our list?

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